বিসিএস English Language and Literature মডেল টেস্ট - ০১

মোট প্রশ্নঃ ৩০টি

সময়ঃ ১৫ মিনিট

১। What kind of noun is 'Boy'? 


২। The word ‘revoke’ means- 


৩। The streets would be wet, if it ___.


৪। The word 'each' is an example of- 


৫। He persuaded me ___ take the decision. 


৬। Who is considered to be the Father of English Poetry- 


৭। The author of the ‘Old Man and the Sea’ is– 


৮। You should not run ___ fame. 


৯। 'The door opened automatically'. The verb in this sentence is-


১০। The phrase ‘at a stretch’ means- 


১১। In 'To Daffodils', human life is compared with -


১২। 'If winter comes, can spring be far behind?' These lines were written by


১৩। The synonym of ‘Degrading’- 


১৪। The news was ___ good to be true. 


১৫। Which of the following word can be both masculine and feminine? 


১৬। Who is known as 'The poet of Nature' in English literature? 


১৭। John Keats was ___.  


১৮। Who wrote 'The Birthday Party'?


১৯। The word that is correctly spelt- 


২০। Which of the following is in the plural form?


২১। Who wrote 'The Tempest'? 


২২। Famous Irish poet and dramatist is– 


২৩। I saw a blind man ___ I was walking along the road. 


২৪। Neither report is true. 'Neither' is- 


২৫। 'Faerie Queene' is a/an- 


২৬। Which of the following means ‘a poem of mourning’?


২৭। The news shocked him. The best passive form will be-


২৮। Who is the author of 'Pride and Prejudice'? 


২৯। The principal took the round in the college. Here 'Round' is a/an- 


৩০। The antonym of ‘Boost’ is- 




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